Hall Hire

Hall hire


Hall hire


Hire of IOSSC main hall to non members

Before you make your booking please contact iosschouse@outlook.com to make sure that the hall is available at your chosen time.
Hall hire is £100 it total
IOSSC is a cashless venue, please bring a card.

Hire of the Function Hall only at IOS Sailing Club. The bar can be organised with 14 days notice with the staffing costs to the hirer, the number of staff is at the Bar Manager's discretion.  Children are not permitted at the bar.
The member's lounge is accessible to IOS Sailing Club members at all times but may be included in the hall hire at the discretion of the committee. The kitchen is not available, and balloons and sky lanterns may not be released. Fireworks are not permitted on IOSSC premises.

Car parking can be found opposite The Ship on Shore public house 3 minutes walk from the clubhouse. Cars are not permitted in the boat park. 

Smoking is not permitted on the IOS Sailing Club site.

Rubbish must be removed at the end of day hire and by 10am the following day for evening hire.

Fire doors must be unlocked when the hall is in use. 
I agree to be responsible for the use of the IOSSC hall and to see that it is not used for illegal or anti social activities. When you pay for hall hire you agree to these conditions. 

Non members pay a deposit to secure the booking and pay the balance 14 days before the hire

Before you make your booking please email iosschouse@outlook.com to make sure the hall is available at your chosen time and discuss your needs.